Historic Photo Gallery

 H I S T O R I C P H O T O G A L L E R Y


Houston Polo Club 1980.

“Team Texas” line-up for the Pahang 24 goal, Malaysia 1991.

20 goal invitational, Sultan's 63rd birthday, played by “Team Texas.”

Throw-in with “Team Texas” in the Pahang 14 Goal Invitational, Malaysia 1993.

Going downfield for a pass, Brunei 1994.

Post game presentation against the Sultan and Prince Jefri, Brunei 1995.

Post game presentation against the Sultan and Prince Jefri, Brunei 1995.

18 goal match against Brunei Team, Coworth Park, England 1996.

Post 18 goal match against the Brunei team, Coworth Park, England 1996.

After the game with the Sultan, Brunei 1997.

Brunei 1997.

Pre-game preparation with teammates Roberto Gonzales and Joe Henderson, Brunei 1998.

Preparing to hook the Sultan of Brunei, Brunei 1998.

Hooking the Sultan, Brunei 1998.

Defending a penalty 4, Brunei 1998.

Post-game with the Maharaja of Jaipur, Brunei 1998. 

Post night 18 goal game, Brunei 1999.

Coaching the winning women’s team, Singapore Polo Club 2008.

Club polo players’ roster for 1989.

20 goal Invitational played by “Team Texas.”

“Team Texas” line-up in the Royal Pahang 14 Goal Invitational, Malaysia 1993.

Accepting runner-up prize in the Pahang 14 Goal Invitational, Malaysia 1993.

Riding off the Sultan of Brunei, Brunei 1995.

Sultan and his son with Prince Jefri post-game, Brunei 1995.

Post-game presentation, Coworth Park, England 1996.

Meeting the Sultan pre-game, Brunei 1997.

Post-game, Brunei 1997.

Camille in the Pony Club, West Sussex, England 1998.

Backshot against the Sultan and Prince Jefri, Brunei 1998.

Attempting to hook the Sultan, Brunei 1998.

Over the end line, Brunei 1998.

Post-game presentation, Brunei 1998.

Preparing to defend the goal, night polo, Brunei 1998. 

Pre-game line-up 18 goal, Brunei 1999.

Ranch foreman Juan Becerra training homebred stallion 4-year-old Chilo, Catarina, Texas 2003.

San Ysidro Ranch 50th Anniversary Match

San Ysidro Ranch 50th Anniversary Polo Match, September 2022

San Ysidro trainer and professional polo player Tiamo Hudspeth taking the ball down the field at San Ysidro Ranch 50th Anniversary Polo Match, September 2022

Ranch foreman Juan Becerra at SY homebred stallion Chilo’s burial