


Coco is a 1999 Thoroughbred mare. She was given to our broodmare program by Nick and Libby Cifuni. Nick has been a local professional at the Houston Polo Club and is known for always having an excellent program and an amazing string. Coco was part of this string for over 10 years and played in a gag and straight reigns her whole career. She retired sound and in great condition at the age of 19. She foaled a beautiful filly in the Spring of 2021 named Yoo-Hoo. We love supporting American professionals by giving their best mares a broodmare career after retiring from polo. We love Coco’s size, confirmation, and her record of being an anchor in Nick’s string for so long and retiring healthy and sound. We strive to breed and raise horses that will have long careers and be comfortable doing their jobs.

Photo May 03, 6 27 27 PM.jpg