


Congratulations to Al Pepi on the new addition to his string: Mahkota (Mcfaddin Miss Pat x Mcfaddin Victorio). Mahkota is a 2013 appendix gelding, born and raised on the Mcfaddin Ranch in south Texas. He comes from a proven family of polo ponies. He is a machine just like his older sister Pringa, who is a favorite in the playing string at the San Ysidro Polo barn. He is an extremely fluid horse. He has great balance and a nice mouth to boot! We love his big bone and deep girth. This gelding was born to play, and he is a top sponsor horse. Mahkota is the kind of horse who always takes his rider to the next level of play. He is so smooth and balanced, always underneath his rider, and a solid platform to hit the ball off of. We are so pleased with how Al and Mahkota match up. We will definitely miss this gem in our barn.